10 steps to help you exercise

The World Health Organisation and NHS have recommended physical activity guidelines for adults.  Here’s our ten top tips!
  • Do something you enjoy.  However, don’t expect that you will always enjoy it.
  • See exercise and movement as an investment in you and your health.  Do it for you, not because you have been told to.
  • Exercise is not always formal or in a gym.  Try and be active in lots of different ways.
  • See exercise as quality time for you, away from work and technology.
  • There is no minimal dose but look to build up intensity, duration and frequency.
  • Not every workout has to be your best ever.
  • The aim is not to always be fitter but to increase your confidence in your body and function.
  • Try to use your strength at least once a week and get out of breath at least once a week.
  • Allow yourself adequate recovery and it is ok to miss a session when life or work is busy and stressful.
  • And lastly and most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help if required.